41 Easy and Exciting Things To Do At A Sleepover

For any child, no matter the age, the classic sleepover is a rite of passage.
Sleeping over at someone’s house or having someone sleepover is a way for a child to dip their toe into the pool of independence.
It also gives the child an opportunity to see how other families operate or helps them learn how to cooperate and be a good host.
Sleepovers give a child the freedom to try something new and gives them the chance to make long lasting friendships.
While sleepovers are seen as the pinnacle of fun by kids the experts believe that they also have the ability to enhances a child’s emotional intelligence or the capacity to be aware of, control, and express one’s emotions.
While a sleepover at someone else’s house is a child’s first taste of independence it is also a good time for a parent to start the process of letting go of the image of their child as their little baby and start entertaining the fact they are really growing up.
As a parent, the thought of our little ones growing up is a hard pill to swallow but knowing how much fun they will have during a sleepover and how much they will actually learn from the experience will make it a bit more tolerable.
At the same time hosting a sleepover is also a lot of pressure.
You want your child as well as all their guest to have the time of their lives.
Here is a list of some easy and exciting things to do during a sleepover that will guarantee your child’s sleepover will be the talk of the town (in a good way)!
1. Make Homemade Slime
Making slime is a popular way to keep the kids busy while harnessing their creativity.
There are so many different types of slime and so many things to put in it.
The variations are endless.
If making homemade slime isn’t your thing you can always buy slime kits which makes the process a lot more streamlined.
One of the best parts about it is that everyone can take their creation home with them as a souvenir.
Making homemade slime is fun!
Although, it can be stressful trying to find all the ingredients.
For those parents that would prefer to have the slime in a ready to-go kit, Jumbo Slime Kit For Boys and Girls is a great and easy way to get the slime fun going without all the drama.
Click on the image or the link above to see Amazon pricing and rank.
2. Have A Taste Test Challenge
This will be a big hit!
Everyone thinks they know what their favorite brand of cookie, ice cream, juice or type of chip is. But do they really?
Set up a blind taste test for any of your guest’s favorite snacks or drinks.
Have them guess which one they will like the best.
Have each taste test item covered and then have each person do a taste test of each goodie.
If you want to make it really scientific make it a double-blind test and don’t let anyone know the brand or type.
Have them vote on which one they like the best.
Once everyone is finished, do a big reveal of each person’s favorite.
Let everyone enjoy their favorite goodies for the rest of the evening.
Having something fun to taste test make this activity much more enjoyable!
The CraveBox Ultimate Variety Sampler Box is the perfect way to make the taste testing and sampling one of the highlights of the night.
The kids can pick their favorite snacks and find new favorites they didn’t even know they had.
With this sample box there is more than enough to go around so once they have found a new favorite snack your guests can take some home with them.
Click on the image or the link above for Amazon pricing and rank.
3. Create A Custom Night Shirt/Gown
Buy each of your guests a large T-shirt or plain night gown.
When the time is right start designing your own night shirt or gown.
If you are planning to wear it to bed the night of the sleepover you might want to start your project as soon as possible so it has time to dry and so you can wash it, if you wanted to.
You can use any design you like.
You can each make matching designs or each do something different.
You can use fabric paint, Sharpies, Glue sequins, or other shiny objects to your DIY sleepwear.
The options are endless!
As long as it is fun everything will turn out great.
Plus each of the sleepover guests can go home with a fun reminder of the night.
If things go well, everyone can wear it during the next sleepover!
Click on the images above for Amazon pricing and rank
4. Play Glow In The Dark Games
When the sun goes down the glow sticks can come out.
There are all types of glow in the dark games you can play both inside or outside.
It can be as easy as dancing with glow sticks or as complicated as glow in the dark capture the flag.
Here is a list of glow in the dark games:
- Flashlight Tag
- Glow in the dark Cornhole
- Glow treasure hunt
- Glow Frisbee
- Glow ring toss
Check out this site for more glow in the dark ideas.
5. Start A Nerf War
Get the Nerf guns and foam ammo out and getting ready to rumble.
You can pick teams or it can be a one on one game.
Either way, Nerf wars are always fun.
If you really want to get into it you can set up an obstacle course using cardboard boxes or pallets as shields.
You could even incorporate water balloon for even more fun.
Just make sure you use eye protection.
If you would rather not shoot at each other you can set up targets and see who is the sharpest shooter.
The loser has to clean up all the Nerf bullets!
6. Paint And Hide Rocks
Painting little rocks with your own unique designs is pretty fun all by itself.
You can put inspirational messages on them, paint them to look like your favorite animal or favorite emoji.
Although, what is even more fun is after painting them go through the neighborhood and hide them so other kids can find them.
They will think they just found a hidden treasure.
You could write a little message on the rocks telling whoever found them to go rehide the rock to keep the fun going.
If you really want to get technical you can even start your own or join a rock finding Facebook page. Just make sure you ask your parents.
Happy painting!
7. Make Up Your Own Pool Party
If you have a pool this is a no brainer!
Although, if you don’t you could always make your own mini pool party.
There is nothing wrong with setting up a mini blow-up pool and pretending that you are at the beach or local pool.
As long as the weather is good the possibilities are endless.
Get yourself some inflatable pool toys (even if they might be bigger than the pool) and lawn chairs so you can relax and enjoy everyone’s company.
Get your favorite drinks and just lounge around the pool like rockstars or divas.
Having a good imagination will make this idea as cool as a summer breeze.
8. Make Homemade Popsicles
There are all kinds of recipes for making homemade Popsicles online.
It can be as easy as pouring juice or Kool-Aid into Popsicle molds to blending up whole fruit and yogurt to make a gourmet treat.
There are all kinds of different Popsicle molds as well.
You can find them in traditional molds as well as molds that look like bananas or even spacemen.
You could even make flavored ice cubes in different shapes to make the sleepover drinks a bit sweeter.
Regardless of the flavor or shape of the Popsicles, they are a great way to pass the time and make for a refreshing treat later in the evening.
9. Perform An Act Of Kindness
Starting the evening with an act of kindness is a great way to start the night off right.
Gather all your sleepover guests and go through the neighborhood and find someone to do a random act of kindness for.
If you can’t find anyone you can do something anonymously.
An act of kindness is something that will really make someone’s day and you will be surprised how fun it really is.
You just might find that this could be one of the most memorable times during the evening.
Here are some random act of kindness suggestion:.
- Make someone a positive picture or poster and put it on their door.
- Ask a neighbor if you can walk their dog for them.
- Draw positive slogans or sayings on someone’s sidewalk with chalk.
- Make a gift basket for a neighbor.
- Send someone a gift from Amazon.
- Take someone flowers.
- Write letters to a local nursing home.
10. Play Laser Tag
If you have the equipment laser tag is a great way to be active and have some fun.
This is a game that can be played inside and outside.
You can split up the sleepover guests and make teams or you can do a battle royal (everybody vs everybody).
If you don’t have the equipment you can play any type of tag.
Some suggestions are Freeze tag (kids are frozen when tagged), tunnel tag (kids have to go under another person’s legs to get back in the game) and blob tag (when you’re tagged you have to hold hands with the person who is it to get other players).
11. Make Up A Play Or Puppet Show
Performing a play or puppet show will get everyone’s creative juices flowing.
Start by picking a play or puppet show topic or you can copy your favorite movie.
If you don’t have puppets you could always use stuff animals or make some out of small paper bags.
Half the fun will be making your own puppets.
Give everyone a part in the play or puppet show and have a great time.
12. Start A Water Balloon Fight
With the new products on the market that allow you to make 20 or 30 water balloons at a time has made having a water balloon fight so much more easy and fun.
Back in the day it would take you all night to make 20 water balloons.
Now you can make and throw 100 in 10 minutes.
The only problem is that picking up 20 broken water balloons is way different the 100.
The good news is that if everyone helps out the clean up with be fast.
You could play water balloon capture the flag, hot potato or just the traditional everyone vs everyone.
13. Have A Sidewalk Chalk Contest
Get the sidewalk chalk out and let the contest begin.
You could have everyone pick their own type of picture or make a theme for everyone to draw.
If you really wanted to make it difficult you could make everyone randomly pick only 3 or 4 colors and make everyone draw the same picture or theme.
You could make loser have to pick up all the water balloons!
14. Play In The Sprinklers
This is a classic good ol’ fun time.
This is a simple and fun way to get everyone moving and soaking wet with no pool required.
If you have built-in sprinklers then just turn them on and your good to go but if not, get out the ones that hook up to a hose and let the fun begin.
You could play sprinkler tag, race or just run through them.
15. Video Message Other Friends
This one is an easy one but can be really fun.
Call everyone and let them be part of the sleepover virtually.
This is great especially if a friend couldn’t make it and really wanted to.
This also works well for a birthday party. At the time of this article, we are all practicing social distancing due to COVID-19.
Check out our article 13 Awesome Quarantine Birthday Party Ideas For Kids as a virtual sleepover was an option as well.
16. Make Homemade Snacks
The best part of making something homemade is that you can make it anyway you want.
You can add any ingredient you want and make it your way.
Even better, each person can make the same snack a little different and everyone can try it.
Here is a list of homemade sleepover snacks that you can make:
- Trail mix
- Popcorn (cheese, kettle-corn or super butte etc.)
- Cheese and crackers
- Cookies
- Granola bars
- Custom Chex mix
17. Have A Chocolate Fondue Bar
Melted chocolate can do wanders for a party.
It really is amazing all the things that taste good dipped in chocolate.
You can use a fancy chocolate fountain or just a pan either way it will be delishous.
Some interesting snacks that you wouldn’t think taste good but really do are chips, jerky and cucumbers.
18. Watch The Sunset
Some of the best things in life are free.
Hanging out with friends and watching the sun go down is a great way to finish up your outside activities.
Get your favorite drink, your homemade stacks and enjoy!
19. Play Outdoor Games
The options for this one is limitless.
There are so many games you can play although getting everyone to agree on one might be the biggest problem.
You could play some traditional games like tag, hide and go seek and hopscotch or you could play something a little more competitive like cornhole, volleyball and kickball.
Outdoor games are a great way to get exercise.
Check out our article, A Complete List Of The Best Exercises For Kids for more great exercise ideas.
20. Get Dessert Or Food Delivered
Picking a dessert or food and having it delivered is a special treat.
There are so many choices that the anticipation will be overwhelming.
Everyone can agree on something or you can make it a prize for one of your sleepover games.
Who every wins at one of the games gets to pick the delicious delivery.
21. Make A Tik Tok Dance Routine
Tik Tok is the new popular app that allows people to record cool dance routines or funny videos.
Usually, people make up their own dance moves to a song or they try to copy a popular dance routine someone else made.
If you prefer that the kids do not post on Tik Tok the kids can video their dance routine and just send it to their friends privately.
Either that or they can just view it with their sleepover friends.
22. Plan A Scavenger Hunt
A scavenger hunt is another activity that can be done indoors or outdoors.
Make a list of items to find and let the fun begin.
You can make a list of things to find in nature, toys or ABC’s (find something with A, find something with B, etc).
Whoever finds all the items first is the winner.
Maybe the winner can pick the take out goodies.
23. Watch A Classic Sports Game
There a lot of classic sports games out there with all the sports channels now available.
Pick your favorite sports team and find an epic sports challenge that happened in the past.
This is a great time to get out the homemade snacks or wait to watch the game until the food/ treats are delivered.
24. Decorate Cookies Or Cupcakes
This is a great activity with a delicious ending.
You can buy pre-made cupcakes/cookies or make your own but the best part is decorating them.
Get out all kinds of frosting, sprinkles and cupcake toppers and let your inner decorator shine.
The best part of this is it doesn’t matter what the cookies or cupcakes end up looking like the end product will always be delicious.
25. Set-Up A Ice cream Sundae Bar
Having a Ice cream sundae bar will take your sleepover to the next level.
Quiz your friends on all their favorite ice cream and let the fun begin.
Line up as many ice cream toppings as possible and let the sprinkling begin.
Don’t forget to find fancy sundae bowls if you can find them.
Try to pace yourself! Turning green by eating too much ice cream at the beginning of the party might dampen your plans.
26. Turn Up The Karaoke
There are not many things that are better than belting out your favorite tune while holding a microphone.
Find a Karaoke machine or just turn up the radio and sing to your heart’s content.
If you are having problems remembering the words don’t worry there are many Karaoke instrumentals with the words on YouTube.
No microphone? That’s OK…a hairbrush or anything for that matter works just fine.
27. Create A Masterpiece
This is another idea that is fun and your guests can bring home a memento of what a fun time everyone had.
Try painting on a small canvas.
This makes the painting feel legit and is sturdy enough to make it home without getting torn or broken.
Not sure want to paint? Try a YouTube tutorial or copy one of your favorites.
28. Have A Nail Party
Painting your fingernails and toenails will surely fancy up the evening.
Let your guests pick out their favorite color and let the mani-pedi begin.
To make it even more special, have everyone paint their nails the same way giving your sleepover its own coat of arms, in a way.
29. Create A Candy Buffet
This is very similar to the sundae idea but a little less messy.
Pick your favorite candies and have them ready to go throughout the evening.
Although you might want to put it away as it gets closer to bedtime.
It might be hard to sleep with the temptation of the candy buffet close at hand.
Who am I kidding, there is no bedtime during a sleepover! Is there?
30. Make Up Your Own Game
No reason to follow someone else’s rules.
Just make up your own game and follow your own rules.
Get together with your guests and come up with the most epic game ever!
Who knows, you might just come up with a game that could go viral.
31. Pitch A Tent
This is another idea that could be done indoors or ourdoors.
Sleeping in a tent is fun and different.
If you are feeling brave you can pitch your tent in the backyard and make it as close to the real thing as possible.
If you like the idea but are still needing your creature comforts then setting one up in the living room or bedroom will do the trick.
Just skip the campfire!
32. Do Makeovers
You are beautiful enough but doing makeovers is fun regardless.
Get out the makeup and the hair dryer and see how glamorous you can get.
If you don’t approve of makeup that’s OK.
Just have the girls model their hair like their favorite movie or pop star.
33. Have A Pillow Fight
We couldn’t have a list that didn’t include a good ol’ pillow fight.
This classic is fun and there are always pillows laying around the house somewhere.
A true pillow fight has to end with feathers all over the room but I wouldn’t suggest it.
Just go with a simple synthetic pillow! There is no clean up with these.
34. Play Classic Sleepover Games
No sleepover would be complete without playing one of these traditional sleepover games.
- Truth or dare
- Would your rather
- Have you ever
- 21 questions
- Two truths and a lie
- Make me laugh
35. Watch A Movie
Sometimes you just want to chill.
Pick a movie and relax with your friends.
This is a great idea to help everyone wind down for the evening or you can just binge-watch all evening long.
Don’t forget all the goodies you made!
There is nothing betting then snacking and watching a movie.
Maybe a book is a better idea. Check out our article, 17 Great Moral Stories For Kids.
36. Have A Dance Contest
When all else fails, bust a move!
Pick your favorite upbeat song and let your feet do the rest.
If you really want to step your game up, get a large piece of cardboard to help you create the ultimate break dancing area.
No cardboard? That is OK…the robot will do just fine. It’s a classic.
37. Play Board Games
Are your energy levels too low for dancing?
That’s OK, you can play a board game.
Board games are fun and great for getting everyone involved.
Pick your favorite and let the games begin.
If you don’t have board games , try a card game.
They are just as fun and there are many card games to choose from.
38. Make Crafts
Getting creative is always fun.
Here is a list of crafts that any sleepover guest would love to do:
- DIY Cardboard Marble Run
- Cloths pin airplanes
- Bird Seed Ornaments
- Pour Painted Flower Pots
- Lunch Sack Kites
For more great craft ideas check out 50+ Quick & Easy Kids Crafts that ANYONE Can Make!
39. Have A Video Game Tournament
Ever since video games first came out they have been a favorite for kids everywhere.
Whether it is the newest game out or a classic everyone is sure to enjoy themselves with a friendly video game tournament.
Pick your favorite game and see who gets the highest score or gets to the highest level.
If you really want to get into it you could set up game brackets (like the brackets for March Madness) and see who the ultimate champion is!
40. Make A Pillow Or Blanket Fort
Who needs a tent when you can make a pillow or blanket fort!
Even better make both a pillow and blanket fort all together.
This is a great spot for everyone to sleep at the end of the night.
Get your sleeping bags and flashlight and let the fun begin.
41. DIY Pizza Making
Making your own do it yourself pizza is probability the best dinner ever.
Pick your favorite sauce and toppings and let your imagination run wild.
I recommend alfredo sauce on your DIY pizza instead of the traditional pizza sauce. It is delicious!
If you already had dinner you could always make a dessert pizza which is the only thing that could possibly beat a regular DIY pizza.
Please Leave A Comment Below
Did we forget a great sleepover idea or do you have an idea on how to expand one of the ideas above?
Please let us know and leave a comment below!
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