Teacher Jokes For Everyday Of The School Year

Teacher jokes are a great way to get a student’s attention!
It doesn’t matter how great the lesson is if the Teacher doesn’t get their student’s attention the lesson will be a failure.
The key to getting a kid’s attention is to be funny, authentic and have the student’s best interest at heart.
While the last two are up to you we can help you with the being funny part.
We have come up with a joke for each of the days the kids are at school and separated them by the month.
You will see that starting off or ending each day with good teacher jokes will put your students in the right mindset for an amazing day.
August Jokes (Back To School)
Day 1:
Why did the teacher wear sunglasses on the first day of school?
She heard her classes were super bright!
Day 2:
What do turtles do when the first day of school is over?
They Shell-abrate!
Day 3:
Why don’t bubbles like to go to school?
They can’t handle the POP quizzes!
Day 4:
What did the crayon say to the colored pencil?
What’s your point! or Looking Sharp!
Day 5:
What did the math book say to the chapter book?
Ha, You thought you had problems !?! or You can count on me!
Day 6:
What school supply is the real King or Queen of the classroom?
The Ruler!
Day 7:
What does a Math Teacher climb for fun?
A Geometry!
Day 8:
Why did the student eat his/her homework?
S/he didn’t have a dog!
Day 9:
What do you get when you throw a lot of books in the ocean?
A Title Wave!
Day 10:
How can you make the school year fly by?
Just throw a clock in the classroom!
What type of dog does a magician have? A labracadabrador!
Jess Heginbotham
Day 11:
Why can’t basketball players go to Elementary School?
They have to go directly to High School!
Day 12:
What dinosaur has the best vocabulary?
Day 13:
Why didn’t the teacher jump into the pool?
S/he wanted to TEST the water first!
Day 14:
Why can’t pirates learn the alphabet?
Because they love the “C” too much!
Day 15:
How do bees get to school?
They ride the school buzz!
Day 16:
What kind of candy do kids eat on the playground?
Recess Pieces
Day 17:
Why do people think owls are so smart?
It’s because they are good at Owl-gebra!
Day 18:
What is a pirates favorite subject?
Day 19:
What is smarter than a talking dog?
A Spelling Bee
Day 20:
What is a smart student’s favorite candy?
September Jokes (More Funny Jokes)
Day 1:
What is a tree’s least favorite month?
Day 2:
Where do you take a bad rainbow?
To prism
Day 3:
What plays music in your hair?
A headband
Day 4:
Why are reptiles so good at solving problems?
They are good investi-gators!
Day 5:
What did the pirate say on his 80th birthday?
“Aye, Matey” (I’m Eighty)
Day 6:
What do cows favorite game to play?
Truth or Dairy
Day 7:
Which Star Wars character do pirates like the best?
Day 8:
What do you get when you mix an elephant and a skunk?
A smelly-phant
Day 9:
What does peanut butter wear to bed?
Day 10:
What do monkeys eat for lunch?
Gorilla cheese sandwiches
What does a mouse say after it takes a bath? “I’m squeaky clean!”
Krista Holland Kimball
Day 11:
What is a pig’s favorite thing to do at home?
They like bacon cakes!
Day 12:
What do you get if you are allergic to pasta?
Macaroni and Sneeze
Day 13:
What do you call a snake without clothes
Day 14:
How does the sun day hello?
With a heatwave!
Day 15:
What is the funniest time of the day?
Day 16:
Why did little girl like vegetables so much?
She was a Kinder-gardener!
Day 17:
When is a wig too expensive?
When you have toupee!
Day 18:
What is Mickey Mouse’s favorite type of car?
A Minnie-van
Day 19:
What is an astronaut’s favorite drink?
Day 20:
Why can you always trust a fisherman?
They always keep it reel!
Parent-Teacher conferences are coming up soon now that September is over. Teacher Jokes are a great way to make learning fun but having a plan for your child’s conferences is even more important. To get great tips, check out our article Points To Discuss In A Parent-Teacher Meeting
October Jokes (Halloween)
Day 1:
What do baby ghosts wear on their feet?
Day 2:
How do you fix a broken pumpkin?
With a pumpkin patch
Day 3:
Why is a witch good at writing?
They are good spellers!
Day 4:
What is a monster’s favorite ride at the fair?
A roller-ghoster
Day 5:
Which monster is the best dancer?
The boogieman
Day 6:
What is a mummy’s favorite type of music?
Wrap music
Day 7:
Why is Dracula so good at baseball?
He is a good bat-ter!
Day 8:
Why didn’t the skeleton go to the dance?
He had no-body to go with!
Day 9:
What is a ghost’s favorite nursery rhyme?
Little Boo Peep
Day 10:
Why did the zombie not go to school?
He felt rotten!
What wobbles in the sky? A jellycopter!
Hannah WasArnold
Day 11:
What did the circle say to the triangle?
I can see your point!
Day 12:
What do you call a toothless bear?
A gummy bear
Day 13:
What is a vampires favorite fruit?
Day 14:
Why is 6 afraid of 7?
Because 7 ate 9
Day 15:
What bear is the scariest?
Winnie the Boo
Day 16:
What do ghosts use to wash their hair?
Day 17:
Why did Dracula host the Super Bowl Party?
Because he had a big scream TV!
Day 18:
What do you call a werewolf with a fever?
A hot dog!
Day 19:
Where do baby monsters go during the day?
They go to day-scare!
Day 20:
What happens when a ghost gets hurt?
They get a BOO Boo!
Teacher jokes can help lighten up a serious classroom but if a student is having behavior issues even jokes may not be the solution. Check out our article How To Help A Child With Behavior Problems At School for more information.
November Jokes (Thanksgiving)
Day 1:
What is the most negative month of the year?
Day 2:
What is a math teacher’s favorite dessert?
Day 3:
What is a turkey’s favorite dessert?
Apple Gobbler
Day 4:
What is Dracula’s favorite holiday?
Day 5:
Why are turkeys always the best drummers?
Because they have the best drumsticks!
Day 6:
Why did the turkey cross the road?
To prove he wasn’t a chicken!
Day 7:
Why are turkeys always the first ones done eating?
Because they always gobble, gobble their food!
Day 8:
What is the key to an amazing Thanksgiving?
The tur-key!
Day 9:
What sound does a turkey’s phone make?
Wing, wing!
Day 10:
Why can’t a turkey ever hit a home run?
They are always hitting fowl balls!
What do you call a monkey that loves potato chips!? A chipmunk.
Nancy Kelly Cobelli
Day 11:
Why should you never make box potatoes for Thanksgiving?
Grandma would turn over in her grave-y
Day 12:
Why does everyone get sleepy during Thanksgiving?
Everyone uses Nap-kins!
Day 13:
What is the cutest time of year?
Day 14:
What is a scarecrow’s favorite fruit?
Day 15
What did one leaf say to the other leaf?
I’m falling for you!
Day 16
How do leaves get from place to place?
In their Autumn-mobile!
Day 17
Why did the apple cry?
Because his peelings were hurt!
Day 18
Why don’t trees like going to school?
Because they’re always getting stumped!
Day 19
What is a plant’s favorite drink?
Day 20
How do trees get onto the internet?
It’s easy, they just Log-On
The Holidays are almost here and if you have a little one that will be heading to Kindergarten next school year you will want to be prepared. Check out our checklist for ways to get them ready.
December (Holidays)
Day 1:
What is a Christmas tree’s favorite candy?
Day 2:
What is a cow’s favorite holiday?
Day 3:
What does a ginger breadman sleep with?
A cookie sheet!
Day 4:
What always falls but never needs a Band-Aid?
Day 5:
Why is it so cold during hanukkah?
Because it is in Decemberrrrr!
Day 6:
What do Santa’s Elves learn at school?
The Elf-abet!
Day 7:
What does a snowman take when the sun gets too hot?
A chill pill!
Day 8:
What is a snowman’s favorite thing for dinner?
An iceburger!
Day 9:
What did the snowman say to the snowwoman?
It’s Ice to meet you!
Day 10:
How does a snowman get to the North Pole?
By Icicle!
How do you organize a party in outer space? You Planet!
Heather Watson Padgett
Day 11:
What is an Elf’s favorite part of school?
Snow and Tell!
Day 12:
What type of car do Elfs drive?
A Toy-ota!
Day 13:
What is Santa’s favorite dessert?
Ice Krispy Treats!
Day 14:
What is a girl snowman called?
A Snow-Ma’am
Day 15:
How does Rudolph know when it’s Christmas?
He looks at a Calen-deer!
Day 16:
Which reindeer on Sant’s sleigh had bad manners?
Day 17:
What’s the difference between Hanukkah and a dragon?
One lasts eight nights and the other sometimes ate Knights!
Day 18:
What is Santa’s Favorite sandwich?
Peanut butter and Jolly!
Day 19:
What kind of ball doesn’t bounce?
A snowball!
Day 20:
Where do snowmen go dancing?
The Snow Ball!
January Jokes ( Winter)
Day 1:
Why do New Year’s Resolutions never work?
Because they go in one year and out the other!
Day 2:
Why did the kid cross the playground?
To get to the other slide!
Day 3:
Why didn’t the banana go to school?
It wasn’t peeling well!
Day 4:
Why is there not a clock in the Media Center?
It tocks too much!
Day 5:
Why was the broom late for school?
It over-swept!
Day 6:
Why don’t you give Elsa from the movie Frozen a balloon?
Because She will ” Let it goooo”
Day 7:
What is a snakes favorite subject in school?
Day 8:
Why is it dangerous to do math in the wild?
Because if you add four plus four you get ate!
Day 9:
Why can’t your hands be twelve inches long?
Because it would be a foot!
Day 10:
Is it better to be hot or cold when playing tag during recess?
Hot because you can always catch a cold!
What do cows do for fun? They go to the mooo-vies.
Heather Scranton
Day 11:
Did you hear about the kidnapping (kid-napping) at school?
It’s OK, he woke up!
Day 12:
What kind of shorts do clouds wear?
Day 13:
Why doesn’t the sun have to go to school?
It’s bright enough!
Day 14:
Why do Koala bears always get hired?
Because they are the most Koala-fied!
Day 15
What kind of doctor is Dr. Pepper?
A Fizzz-ician!
Day 16
Where do you put barking dogs?
In a barking lot!
Day 17
What do you get when you cross an elephant and a fish?
Swimming Trunks!
Day 18
Why couldn’t the kid see the pirate movie?
It was rated ARRR!
Day 19
What did Tennessee?
The same thing Arkansas!
Day 20
Why do bees have sticky hair?
Because they have honeycombs!
February Jokes (Valentine’s Day)
Day 1:
What do you say to an octopus on Valentine’s Day?
I want to hold your hand, hand, hand, hand, hand, hand, hand, hand!
Day 2:
What kind of flowers should you never give on Valentine’s Day?
Day 3
What Valentine’s Day candy is best to give a girl?
Her-She Kisses!
Day 4
What is the best thing to tell a watermelon on Valentine’s Day?
You’re one in a melon!
Day 5
Why did the boy put candy under his pillow?
Because he wanted sweet dreams!
Day 6
What did one volcano say to the other?
I lava you!
Day 7
What do you call a very small Valentine?
A Valen-tiny!
Day 8
What did the Valentine’s Day card say to the stamp?
Stick with me and you’ll go places!
Day 9
What kind of Valentine’s Day candy is never on time?
Day 10
What did one blueberry say to the other on Valentine’s Day?
I love you berry much!
What did the coach say to the vending machine? I want my quarter back!
Janet Owings
Day 11
What did one cat say to the other cat on Valentine’s Day?
You’re purr-fect!
Day 12
What did the whale say to his sweetheart on Valentine’s Day?
Whale you be mine!
Day 13
What did one owl say to the other owl on Valentine’s Day?
Owl be yours!
Day 14
What did the drum say to the other drum on Valentine’s Day?
My heart beats for you!
Day 15
Why does Cupid love triangles?
Because they’re acute!
Day 16
Why is Valentine’s Day the best day for a celebration?
Because you can party heart-y!
Day 17
What did one flame say to the other on Valentine’s Day?
We’re a perfect match!
Day 18
What did Pilgrims give each other on Valentine’s Day?
Day 19
Which animal shares the most love?
A heartvaark!
Day 20
What did the bat say to the other on Valentine’s Day?
Let’s hang out!
March Jokes (St. Paddy’s Day)
Day 1:
What is a leprechaun’s favorite type of music?
Day 2
What’s Irish and stays out all night?
Paddy O’Furniture!
Day 3
What kind of bow can’t be tied?
A rainbow!
Day 4
Why do people wear shamrocks on St. Patrick’s Day?
Regular rocks are too heavy!
Day 5
Why should you never iron a four-leaf clover?
You don’t want to press your luck!
Day 6
What do you call an Irishman bouncing off the walls?
Rick O’Shay!
Day 7
Where can you always find gold on St. Patty’s Day?
In the dictionary!
Day 8
Why are leprechauns so hard to get along with?
Because they’re very short-tempered!
Day 9
What position did the leprechaun play on the baseball team?
Day 10
What musical instrument do show-offs play on St. Patrick’s Day?
They play the brag-pipes!
What is a pirate’s favorite country? Aarrrrrgentina!
Katie Piggott
Day 11
What did the leprechaun say on March 17?
Irish you a Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
Day 12
When is an Irish potato not an Irish potato?
When it’s a French fry!
Day 13
Why was the broom late?
It over-swept!
Day 14
What did the frog order at the diner?
French flies and a Diet Croak!
Day 15
How do you spot a modern spider?
He doesn’t have a web, he has a website!
Day 16
What sound does a nut make when it sneezes?
Day 17
What kind of bee can’t make up its mind?
A maybe!
Day 18
In what school do you learn how to greet people?
“Hi” School
Day 19
What’s the only school where you have to drop out to graduate?
Skydiving school!
Day 20
How do they serve smart hamburgers?
On honor rolls!
April Jokes (Spring)
Day 1
What do bunnies eat in the summer?
Day 2
Why was the egg so afraid to go to school?
He was a little chicken!
Day 3
Who brings Easter eggs to all the sea creatures?
The Oyster Bunny!
Day 4
Why did the chicken start lifting weights?
To get more eggs-ercise!
Day 5
What did one colored egg say to the other?
Heard any good yolks lately?
Day 6
Why shouldn’t you tell an Easter egg a good joke?
It might crack up!
Day 6
What kind of jewelry do rabbits wear?
14 carrot gold!
Day 7
Why did the rabbit cross the road?
Because the chicken had his Easter eggs!
Day 8
Where does the Easter Bunny like to eat breakfast?
Day 9
What is the Easter Bunny’s favorite type of music?
Hip Hop!
Day 10
What are the Easter Bunny’s favorite stories?
The ones with hoppy endings!
What did the ocean say to the plane as it flew over? Nothing it just waved!
Sherrie Hampton
Day 11
What is the Easter Bunny’s favorite sport?
Day 12
What day does an Easter egg hate the most?
Day 13
Why do Easter eggs sleep so much?
They’re always Egg-hausted!
Day 13
Where does Dracula keep his Easter candy?
In his Easter casket!
Day 14
Why did the Easter Bunny have to fire the duck?
He kept quacking the eggs!
Day 15
What did the rabbit say to the carrot?
It’s been nice gnawing you.
Day 16
How does the Easter Bunny know where he buried treasure?
Eggs marks the spot!
Day 17
How do you know when the Easter Bunny likes a book?
Because he’ll tell you it’s egg-cellent!
Day 18
What do you get if when cross the Easter Bunny with Fly Guy?
Bugs Bunny!
Day 19
What do you get when you cross the Easter Bunny with Kermit the Frog?
A bunny ribbit!
Day 20
What do you say to the Easter Bunny on his birthday?
Hoppy Birthday!
May Jokes (Almost summer)
Day 1
How do we know that the ocean is friendly?
It waves!
Day 2
Where do sheep go on vacation?
The Baaa-hamas!
Day 3
Where do math teachers like to go on vacation?
Times Square!
Day 4
Why are mountains the funniest place to go on vacation?
They are hill-arious!
Day 5
Do fish go on vacation?
No, because they’re always in schools!
Day 6
Why should you never blame a dolphin for doing anything wrong?
Because they never do it on porpoise!
Day 7
Why can’t basketball players go on vacation?
They would get called for traveling!
Day 8
What do you call a pig on a leash?
Pulled Pork!
Day 9
Why do bananas use sunscreen?
Because they peel!
Day 10
When do you go on red and stop at green?
When you’re eating a watermelon!
How do you make a tissue dance? Put a little boogie in it
Nicole Kissell
Day 11
What does the sun drink out of?
Day 12
Where do cows go on their summer vacation
Moo York!
Day 13
What is a beach bum’s favorite month?
Day 14
What did the beach say as the tide came in?
Long-time no sea!
Day 15
What do you give a really hot puppy?
A pupsicle!
Day 16
Why did the librarian get kicked off the plane?
Because it was overbooked!
Day 17
Why are kids that ride the bus the best dancers?
Because they are always trying to Bus a move!
Day 18
Why is a baseball game a good place to go on a hot day?
Because there are lots of fans!
Day 19
Where do sharks go on summer vacation?
Day 20
What animal is always at a baseball game?
A bat!
Happy Summer!

If you have any more jokes you would like to share please comment below!
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Thank you. You have any jokes to add?
Awesome! It’s, in fact, a remarkable article!
Thanks! The more laughter the better
Great Jokes1
What type of snake measures 3.14159 meters long?
A pi-thon.
Good one!
Hi, the Teacher Jokes article it is well written and is very useful.
Jokes make the world go round =)
My brother suggested I may like this web site. He was totally right.
This post truly made my day. Thanks!
We are so glad to hear that, Thank you!
My second graders loved this joke and laughed and laughed when I told it in a Zoom class for Funny Friday.
Why do ducks have tail feathers?
So no one will see their butt quacks!!
Great One! Thanks!!
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