Why Cell Phones Are Dangerous For Kids
There are pros and cons in the debate on whether a child should have a cell phone.
If you haven’t seen my video on “Why Kids Should Have Phones” please click on the link for a more benefits of children having a phone.
Here is the blog post “Why Kids Should Have Phones” for a more pro vs cons approach
Why Cell Phones Are Dangerous For Kids is a opposing view from my pervious post.
Although, many times if you can keep kids away from the list below a cell phone can be a great way for kids to stay connected and safe.
1. Social Media and Chatting Apps

Social media apps and apps with chat feathers are the number one reason why kids should not have phone!
The number one thing that you must remember, is that any recommendation that I give about children having phones comes along with the recommendation that the child should not have any social media apps or apps with chat installed on the phone.
This is a big one!
Although, kids are not trying to hear that!
They think. Oh, yeah, all these new social media apps are going to be great.
Unfortunately for them, social media apps or any apps with chat are not a good idea for students and younger children.
I think that recommendation is appropriate for kids through middle school and even into high school.
Now depending on the student and their maturity, as you get into high school, that’s something you’re going to need to discuss with your child and work out a plan that balances your child’s maternity with basic safety concerns.
Although, I do have to say that in those younger age ranges and lower grade levels, you do not want to allow your child to have anything to do with social media and definitely nothing to do with apps with chatting features.
This is because there are people out there that are looking for opportunities to do inappropriate things using these chat features and though the social media apps.
These apps opens up the door for somebody to interact with your child inappropriately.
If you were allowing your child to use these apps on their phone you definitely want to make sure that you are doing more research on the matter.
There are many good things that come with a child having a phone but allowing social media or chatting apps are not one of them.
2. Cell Phone Radiation

Radiation and other things that go along with that can be unhealthy for a child, especially a growing child.
It’s difficult to say how it works.
Some people say its ridiculous and other say the opposite.
Obviously, if the child has it in their book bag, 99% of the time and they’re using it very quickly this might not be a big deal.
On the other hand, if the child had it attached to the ear 24/7 or having it in their pocket all the time it could be a whole different thing.
There is a lot of info out there so it’s something for a parent to think about and do their own research on whether they want a device that creates radiation to be around their child.
To get you started, here is some info from the National Cancer Institute
3. Blue Light

The blue light emitted from phones can affect your child’s sleep.
You have to be very careful when it comes to using these devices at night.
Now, it doesn’t necessarily mean just phones.
Tablets and computers also emit blue light that make the brain think that it is still day time.
Most people have heard about blue light and the different radiations of light or colors that can affect a child’s ability to go to sleep.
Not just a child, but really anybody’s ability to go to sleep.
Most of the sleep recommendations are to stop any type of screen time an hour before bed.
I know that’s hard to do, it is even difficult in our household.
I think that’s something that we will all need to work on.
Making sure that there is a realistic and appropriate use to these devices will help your child relax and allow them to go to sleep easier.
Some cell phone bedtime guidelines are no screen time an hour before bed and no devices in the bedroom.
These guidelines will allow your child body to produce the appropriate amount of natural melatonin which will allow for a deeper and more regenerative sleep.
As well as, not having the device in the bedroom will cut down on the radiation and curb the urge to use it after bedtime.
Now, of course, there’s ways to get around the blue light.
You can use the blue light blocker apps on the phones and tablets.
These apps minimize the blue light in the devices and enhance the other colors of light to help create a more sleep appropriate experience.
Another way is to use blue blocking glasses.
These glasses actually block the blue light created by the devices and other sources such as LED lights.
Some people believe it is easier to just cut out phones completely before bed.
Although, there are good night time programs such as bedtime story apps or other apps that might be beneficial for a nighttime scenario so it might be beneficial to research some of the blue blocking apps or blue blocking glasses
4. Addiction

Parents need to be careful with any screen time because of the addictive nature that can occur.
This happens with adults and children, but with a growing mind it is more concerning for children.
What makes screen time addictive is every time somebody gets a like, a comment or they see something funny or interesting it creates a dopamine hit to the brain.
Both children and adults can get into an addictive habit.
Their brains want more of the chemicals that tells us that something is pleasurable and the dopamine signals continue with each funny video or like they get.
If they get used to the constant dopamine signaling and need to see their phone over and over again it can be addictive if there’s not proper guidelines and a plan that counteracts this pattern..
I would highly recommend limiting device use at bedtime.
Along with making sure that there are guidelines and rules placed on screen time that align with your family’s screen time values.
There are a million different pieces of information and research about how to provide your child with a proper screen time routine.
A good place to start is the Mayo Clinic’s Screen Time and Children
5. Cyber Bullying

Cyberbullying is definitely a reason why cell phones are dangerous for kids!
Cyberbullying is unfortunately something that many children have had to go through.
When children are allowed to chat or to talk freely with others on social media apps the percentage that they will encounter cyberbullying goes up.
Cyberbullying causes psychological, emotional and physical stress.
Examples of Cyberbullying are:
- Sending mean texts or IMs to someone.
- Pranking someone’s cell phone..
- Being rude or mean to someone in an online game.
- Spreading secrets or rumors about people online.
The easiest way to prevent this type of problem is not allow your child any type of social media or chatting apps
How To Prevent All Of The Above Issues
1. Parent Control Apps
Google family and other parent control apps helps you monitor the guidelines and the rules that you have established for proper use of your child’s phone.
Parental control apps allows you to cut some of the screen time down and allows you to also monitor and restrict different apps.
These are really helpful and allow you to make sure that your child is not getting into a bad situation.
Parental control apps help families get more of the benefits from a phone while keeping the majority of the negatives off the phone by using something like Google family or Apple’s screen time.
Some parental apps have features like a GPS on the phone so you always know where your child is.
Most are great at being able to restrict apps, which is one of the big ones that we’ve discussed.
Nowadays, If you are having an issue with reinforcing a rule while your child is using their phone there is usually an app that solves the issue.
Some apps are free and others have subscription fees but regardless of which you pick most of the issues above can be solved with parental apps.
2. Use A Flip Phone
The other solution where you get most of the benefits of a phone but without any of the drama is just get your child a flip phone.
Now, I know that sounds super 90’s.
I remember my Razor flip phone!
I thought I was super cool. Although, I didn’t know how advanced phone were going to be in the future.
Flip phones give you almost all of the benefits without the apps and chat..
WIth a flip phone there is no monitoring of screen time or social media issues but they are just as effective in communicating in an emergency or just taking with family
Now you won’t be able to use the GPS apps, video chatting with family or using the smartphone to help with homework but if you just want something to help your child stay in communication with you while they are gone the flip phone is a perfect option.
This is especially true for parents that are concerned about some of these apps like Tick-Tock and Snapchat.
A sweet flip phone will definitely cuts down on all of that and help reduce the reasons why a phone is dangerous for kids.
Please Leave A Comment Below!
If you have any other pros or cons with a child having or not having a phone, please leave a comment below.
We will respond ASAP and possibly add it to the list above!
Yes, I agree. Kids these days are too attached to this technology junk. Back in my day we used to actually play outside with the other kids in the neighborhood. Now, they’re inside all day with the TikTok and Youtube. My parents would never get me one. My first phone was my senior year of high school.
Alfred, I was the same way. There are many pros and cons of technology these days. If you want to maximize its potential for kids these days it really takes a lot of work and supervision. Thanks for the comment!